Monday, December 15, 2008

Younger Next Year - Chris Crowley and Henry S. Lodge M.D.

younger next year

Younger Next Year is a book that says getting old doesn't mean becoming decrepit and out of touch, but rather, through rigorous exercise and proper diet, one can remain young and active well into later life.... 80s to upper 90s, maybe beyond. On this point I absolutely agree with the book. It is a complete myth that your body wears down as you get old, your body wears down when you just sit around, your muscles die when you don't use them, so get out there already!

One thing that does kind of bug me about the book is that Lodge (the M.D.) keeps drawing parallels to evolution that are not proven, and are sometimes, just plain wrong. I suppose in the end he just wants to try give people a way to reason themselves into exercise, and so it goes.

Anyway, again, the core message of the book can be seen as exercise, exercise, and exercise. Though there are a lot of other good messages in there like: make friends, find a cause, involve yourself with your family, and start movements. Then there are other things that are questionable like: consider plastic surgery. Well maybe that is the only thing, and maybe that is just something with me, but hey, I suppose plastic surgery is a part of being younger next year, and it hasn't killed Michael Jackson...yet....hahahahahaha

Get Younger Next Year: Live Strong, Fit, and Sexy—Until You're 80 and Beyond from

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